The J.O.T. Method™ (“just one task” at a time technique)
combining techniques using, 178–82
counting technique using, 183–86
description of, 131–35, 218–19
“do”-ing experience and, 152
floating vs., 127
improvements on, 177–86
patience development and, 152
points to remember for using, 133
reasons for success using, 134–35, 151
requirements for, 130–31
rules for, 131
selecting the first task, and using, 136
self-esteem development using, 133
setbacks and, 168–72
student procrastinators and, 209
See also inadvertent errors using The J.O.T. Method™
judgments, making, 19–21
kitchen chores, 13–14
lack of satisfaction/satisfaction upon completion of task, 72, 220
larger projects
“beginning and end” of project thinking for working on, 194
compartmentalization strategies for working on, 186–90
laziness compared with procrastination, 15–17
learned response, procrastination as, 51
light housecleaning as starter-task, 106, 190–91, 222
logical way of responding to your tasks, 115
managers in the workplace, 200–202
mental and physical effects of floating away from reality, 99–100
mental depression. See depression
mental muscle weakness, 99–100
negative thinking about tasks and actions, 67–68, 219
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), 24–25
filing cabinet, 191–92
of little things, 147
ostrich, human. See characteristics of human ostrich; human ostrich
outcomes distortions characteristic, 66–67
outer procrastination feeds inner procrastinator characteristic, 74
outlook, distorted, 94–95
over-analysis leads to paralysis, 3, 91–92
overcoming procrastination. See advanced techniques for overcoming procrastination; avoidance; floating away from reality; Golden Rules of overcoming habitual procrastination; The J.O.T. Method™ (“just one task” at a time technique); setbacks, dealing with; significant other’s relationship with procrastinator; student procrastinators; techniques for overcoming procrastination; willingness to change development
panic attacks and anxiety, 3, 57–58, 103–5, 165–66
paralysis, and over-analysis, 3, 91–92
parents, of student procrastinators, 203, 207–11
developing, 125–26, 152
as enemy of procrastination, 61
impatience vs., 60–61, 71–72
“patience” as mantra, 192
payoffs of depression and procrastination, 83–84
perfectionism, 61–62, 123–25, 138
personal responsibility, 3
physical activities
advanced techniques for overcoming procrastination using, 190–91
light housecleaning as starter-task and, 106, 190–91, 222
willingness to change development and, 106
See also activity/activities
physical and mental effects of floating away from reality, 99–100
planning difficulties, 70
positive habits, the force of, 176
positive reinforcement, 195, 221
positive self-talk, 154–55, 163–65, 218
prioritizing tasks, 19–21, 57–58, 194
behaviors of, 1–2
etymology of procrastination, 33–34
solutions for, 2–3, 221–23
See also characteristics of human ostrich; conflicts in life; depression; habitual procrastination; human ostrich; student procrastinators
projects, larger
“beginning and end” of project thinking for working on, 194
compartmentalization strategies for working on, 186–90
promises you make to yourself, 109–10, 115
quantitative measurements for procrastination, 17–19
quick fixes, 2